Coins: 10053 Exchanges: 1003 Market Cap: $1,225,562,243,650 1.25% 24h Vol: $48,208,812,807.548 Dominance: BTC 46.65%, ETH 18.33%
LuaSwap price

LuaSwap Price (LUA)


Rank #1394

LuaSwap Price Chart (LUA/USD)

Last updated 22 Jun 2022, 09:10AM UTC. Currency in USD.

# Exchange Pair Price Spread Volume(24h) Trust
1 Hotbit LUA / USDT $0.00768844 0.01% $62,400
2 FTX LUA / USDT $0.01378172 0.34% $31,259
3 FTX LUA / USD $0.01347200 0.02% $5,880
4 Hotbit LUA / ETH $0.01358373 96.07% $76
5 Luaswap LUA / FRONT $0.01438361 0.82% $74
7 Hotbit LUA / BTC $0.01379792 99.99% $22
8 Luaswap LUA / WETH $0.01481146 0.82% $818
9 Luaswap USDC / LUA $0.01435101 0.82% $540
10 Coinone LUA / KRW $0.00441705 29.36% $465
11 Luaswap SRM / LUA $0.01361961 0.82% $308
12 Luaswap SUSHI / LUA $0.01326067 0.82% $61
14 Luaswap FTX TOKEN / LUA $0.01411694 0.82% $404
15 Luaswap LUA / KAI $0.01450821 0.82% $39
16 Luaswap UNI / LUA $0.01444669 0.82% $23

LUA Price Statistics

24H Range
  • LuaSwap Price Now $0
  • 24h Low / 24h High $0 / $0
  • Trading Volume $1,994
  • Market Cap Rank #1387
  • Market Cap $2,545,250
  • Volume / Market Cap 0.0008
  • All-Time High $2 -99.41%
    Sep 29, 2020
  • All-Time Low $0 381.76%
    May 31, 2022

LuaSwap: The Game-Changing Cryptocurrency

An Introduction to LuaSwap

LuaSwap is a revolutionary cryptocurrency that has gained much attention in the financial world. Launched in 2020, it has quickly become a popular choice among investors and traders. Let's explore what makes LuaSwap unique and why it has become a game-changer in the crypto industry.

The Need for a Decentralized Exchange

Decentralized exchanges (DEX) have been on the rise due to their enhanced security, privacy, and transparency. LuaSwap is built on the LuaChain, a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform, providing users with seamless access to a wide range of cryptocurrencies and financial instruments. By utilizing smart contracts, LuaSwap ensures that transactions are executed directly between users, without the need for intermediaries, eliminating the risks associated with centralized exchanges.

Unique Features of LuaSwap

LuaSwap stands out from other cryptocurrencies with its innovative features. Here are some key aspects that make it worth considering:
1. Liquidity Pools: LuaSwap allows users to provide liquidity by depositing their cryptocurrencies into liquidity pools. In return, they earn rewards in the form of LUA tokens. These pools facilitate efficient trading and reduce slippage.
2. Yield Farming: Users can stake their LUA tokens in yield farming, earning additional rewards. This incentivizes users to hold on to their LUA tokens, fostering a thriving ecosystem around LuaSwap.
3. Governance and Voting: LUA token holders have the power to participate in the decision-making process through voting. This ensures that the community's voice is heard and allows for constant improvement and evolution of the LuaSwap ecosystem.

The Future of LuaSwap

As the DeFi sector continues to grow, LuaSwap is well-positioned to take advantage of the expanding market. With its unique features and user-centric approach, it has gained significant popularity within the crypto community. The team behind LuaSwap is dedicated to continuous development and improvement, promising exciting updates and enhancements in the future.
In conclusion, LuaSwap is a game-changing cryptocurrency that offers users a decentralized and secure platform for trading and earning rewards. Its innovative features and strong community support make it a promising investment option. As the adoption of cryptocurrencies and DeFi advances, LuaSwap's potential for growth becomes even more evident. Stay tuned for what the future holds for LuaSwap!